
Broadcasting Licencing Information

Under the Broadcasting Act 1993, a broadcasting licence is required to provide programme services from places within the Isle of Man. A Wireless Telegraphy Act licence is also normally required and this is obtained from Ofcom in the UK.

The Authority can grant Broadcasting Act (of Tynwald) licences to provide programme services in a manner which it considers best ensures that high quality and varied programming is available on-Island. When determining whether to grant a licence, the Authority must consider certain criteria. These include the ability for an applicant to sustain the service, the extent to which the proposed service meets the demand of Island residents or whether this demand can be met by other means and whether the proposed service would affect the ability of any existing services to operate.

Broadcasting Licence Review Roadmap 2023

Following the introduction of the Communications Act 2021, replacing the Broadcasting Act 1993, the Authority is reviewing current Broadcasting Licences as set out in its work plan for 2022-2023. 

The roadmap for this process can be found at the bottom of this webpage.


Broadcasting Licence Review Roadmap 2023